Cranial Sacral Therapy
What is Cranial Sacral?
Cranial Sacral Therapy can calm and realign the system and address restrictions in the body at an even deeper level.
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle modality that can calm and realign the nervous system and address restrictions in the body at a deep level. Cranial Sacral therapy may provide relief from a variety of symptoms including headaches, neck pain, anxiety, chronic pain, and side effects of cancer treatment among many others. Clients report feeling a deep sense of relaxation and peace during the session.
Cranial Sacral Therapy is based on the idea that the body is interrelated at all levels,
through our connective tissue called fascia. Fascia, which covers the brain and spinal cord, nerves, organs and muscles, forms a body-wide connective network. By releasing adhesions and blockages in the connective tissue through a process called unwinding, we create freedom and a greater sense of balance for the client.
A light touch is used to examine membranes and movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system. By relieving tension in the central nervous system, as well as the peripheral nervous system we promote a sense of well-being, improve health and immunity, and reduce pain patterns.
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